Tuesday, June 16, 2009

11.5 Thing 2

Wordle - Loved it. Could use it a couple of ways (1) create one with character traits, save it and use it in PhotoStory or another product (2) Copy a newspaper article in the box and see what words are most often used. Did it surprise you?

Glogster - This could be my new favorite thing (sorry PhotoStory). It is so easy to integrate pictures, video, text, etc.

VOKI - I have used this and I like it, but I don't see as much classroom potential as the other items.

Bookr - This something I will definitely use. Do we need to worry about inappropriate pictures on flickr??


VWB said...

Flickr does police its pictures...suffice it to say that what would be appropriate for older students may not be for elementary...but as with anything, I don't think anyone is saying that young students would be turned loose to use it?

Have you run into anything that concerns you?

atxteacher said...

Love the newspaper idea for Wordle!

VWB said...

could you post a sample or two?

Yahoo! Avatars