Friday, July 11, 2008

Thing 23

W ow, there were times I thought this moment would never come! But it did and I am so glad I participated in 23 Things.

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?

Doing things I never would have done on my own, such as creating an Avatar (that was really fun), posting my own blogs, and learning what that "RSS" thing meant on websites.

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?

It has affirmed that we are NEVER too old to learn new thing!

Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

I discovered many new tools, some of which were: Google Notebook (really liked that and want to use it soon),, and technorati.

What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?

Nothing really, except maybe offer some face to face times. There were times, I needed to talk through some of the activities with "It's All Relative" to make everything work as it should.

If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate?


How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or in ONE SENTENCE, so we could use your words to promote 23 Things learning activities?

It made me feel as though I can keep up with my children in technology!

Thing 22

Nings... I looked at the Ning for Teachers. I found it somewhat interesting. I looked at the lesson plans and unfortunately, I found very little for integrating technology. I read several of the postings on the home page and found most of them to be interesting. I'm not sure how much I will use the site, but I know I will visit it again.

Thing 21

I used Photostory 3 to create my vidcast. It was a lot of fun. We started using Photostory 3 last year with our students. They mastered it quickly! Here is the link to my vidcast.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Thing 20

This video is great! We need to move (gently shove) our fellow teachers to enter the digital age with their lessons.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Thing 19

I am a map junkie, so Google Maps has been a favorite for a long time. I probably use it a least once a week to find houses, offices, schools, and stores. It really helped me last spring when we were trying to find the high school softball fields where my daughter was playing. I could type the school's address and then using the satellite view, could find the exact field location and nearest parking lot!! I also like the hair swap site where you can put your face in different hair styles.. really fun.

Thing 18

I used Google Docs. It was very easy to use. This would be most useful for people who do not have access to a laptop. With laptops, it is easier to access any documents that I have created, so I don't know how much I will use Google Docs.

Thing 17

Rollyo is something that I had never heard of, much less used. I'm not sure how much I will use it. I created a news search. Here is the link:

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thing 16

Have you messed with anyone's wiki today? Maybe I'm just a warped individual, but I believe there are people out there with nothing better to do than post bogus fact/entries on wikis. That being said, I can see they would be useful. The ease of collaboration is the most beneficial aspect. With each group member being able to add their "part", it is much easier to manage than emailing using the "reply all" button. Does anyone know if a wiki can be edited by two users simultaneously??

Thing 15

Library 2.0
Libraries are evolving. Once a place of written facts which were quickly outdated, today it is an up to the minute research facility! What librarians need to teach today is how to EFFECTIVELY research. The information available at our fingergtips in a library can literally fill volumes. We need to teach students to narrow their focus and to verify the information they find. The great thing about research today is that it is available to anyone with an Internet connection! It is particularly exciting for those of us who grew up with our families' outdated set of World Book Encyclopedia.
Yahoo! Avatars